Mango Tree Diseases Pictures | Identification and Treatment
Updated: 6 Sep 2024
Mango is one of the delicious fruits, but it faces a lot of challenges and diseases during its growing period. For prevention and treating those diseases, you need to identify its symptoms which you can do with the help of its pictures.
You can identify the mango tree diseases by its symptoms and signs. Luckily I have collected some pictures from time to time of my own garden of different diseases of mango trees that will help you identify theses diseases. Once you identify and understand its signs and symptoms you can start treating it and can also preventing it from ever happening.
In the blog below, we walk you through some of the common diseases of mango tree, what causes them, and how to treat them. So, let’s get to it.

Mango Tree Diseases with Pictures:
Just like every other plant, mangoes trees, and plants are also attacked by diseases, and to prevent and treat it, you first need to understand it. For understanding, we provide pictures of each disease so you match your mango plant condition, and if it matches, then you start treating it in the early stages, which is easy as compared to later on when the disease takes a grip on the plant.
Common Mango Tree Diseases Pictures with Treatment:
Diseases in mango trees are one of the biggest challenges that gardeners faces in which discoloration, wilting, premature fruit falling etc include. A gardener who wants to grow mangoes or have a mango tree should know what it looks like, so they work on its treatment as soon as their mango show any signs, or even prevent it from happening in the first place. Below, we listed and explained some of the common mango tree diseases pictures and treatment.

Anthracnose in mango is one of the common diseases in which dark and sunken lesions appear on their fruits, leaves, stems, and flowers. The fruit then becomes very black and unable to eat.
The anthracnose is mainly caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. It is caused in rainy climates and the fungus thrives in wet conditions.
For treatment, you need to apply fungicide before the expected rainy season. You also need to prune its branches for proper air circulation. Other than that, you need to stop watering the plant from overhead.
Powdery Mildew:

Powery mildew is a common disease and also causes mangoes. In this disease, a white powder fungal grows on the leaves, stems, and fruits of a young mango tree, which ultimately leads to poor fruit development.
It is caused by fungal spores known Pseudoidium anacardii that usually spread in cool but dry weather. In mangoes, it usually attacks in blooming seasons.
You can use fungicide spray that either has monopotassium, or aliphatic petroleum solvent on affected areas. Also, prune branches for better air circulation.
Mango Scab:

In mango scab, the mango tree gets lesions on its fruit and leaves. As a result, the fruit either drops prematurely or is unable to eat or sell.
The main reason for the mango scab is a fungus known, Elsinoë mangiferae, also called Denticularia maniferae. It is a fungus that usually spreads during wet climates.
For basic, you should use fungicide but copper base (copper hydroxide and copper oxychloride); other than that, cut and prune the affected area for space and airflow.
Also Read: Pepper Plants diseases with Pictures
Bacterial Black Spots:

In mangoes, black and angular spots appear on the stem, leaves, and even on its fruits. Those black spots increase with time and cause premature fruit dropping.
It is caused by a bacterium known as Xanthomonas campestris, which likes warm and humid conditions. They usually attack leaves, fruits and twigs.
First of all, you should use copper-based spray. You can also use sanitizing tools that will help you to remove the branches that are infected.
Sooty Mold:

In this mango disease, fungi start to grow on the leaves and fruit. It’s different than other diseases because it does not directly affect the tree but blocks sunlight from reaching sunlight for photosynthesis.
It is caused by a sugary secretion known as honeydew which comes from sap-feeding insects like scale whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs, and treehoppers etc.
Control the insects from reaching the mango plant with the help of a net or cover. You can also use insecticide spray for these insects.

Dieback is another common mango disease in which the leaves of a mango tree start to wilt and then followed by branches.
It is caused by a fungal infection by the name of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, which attacks the outside of any tree.
First of all, you need to prune the tree for air to follow and also cut the affected branches. During the pruning, you need to sanitation of pruning tools to prevent it from spreading further. On the effect parts, you can use any fungal spray.
Red Rust:

In this condition, the red, velvety patches appear on the leaves and then drop prematurely. The prematurely fallen leaves also affect fruit yields.
It is also caused by a algae named Cephaleuros virescens. It attacks the plant in humid and topical conditions. It also causes mangoes when they are under stress.
For treatment, you need to apply any good Copper-oxychloride spray. Other than that, you make sure the plant has enough water and nutrients to avoid getting stressed.
Stem End Rot:

In this disease the mangoes have sot rot appearing on its steam and also its fruit. Which also spreads inwards and makes those mangoes discolored and water-soaked which makes them unable to eat.
It is also caused by the fungi “Dothiorella dominicana, Botryodiplodia theobromae and Lasiodiplodia theobromae” It also attacks attacks after harvesting.
During the harvesting of mangoes avoid any damage to the mangoes because then it makes it easy for pathogens to enter the fruit. You also need full post-harvest fungicide treatment to prevent it from happening and spreading.
Verticillium Wilt:

This is also a common mango disease that affects its leaves by making them yellow and then wilt and fall off. Which also stunted the tree’s growth along its vascular tissues and caused the trunk browning.
It is caused by a fungus named Verticillium dahliae Klebahn, which enters the plant through its roots.
Before planting mango trees, make sure to test the soil or avoid planting in soil that has a history of verticillium wilt. Treat the soil before planting anything in that place with the help Soil solarization. Through this process you have to heat the top 6 inches which then can effectively eliminate the Verticillium fungus.
Algal Leaf Spot:

In this mango disease, a green, orange, or grey circular lesion appears on the leaves which is also surrounded by a yellow halo.
Causes by an algae cephaleuros virescens. It usually attacks and humid and warm conditions.
To prevent it from happening, you need to improve the airflow by pruning the tree. You can also use a good fungicide spray, especially copper-based.
Phytophthora Root Rot:

It usually attacks the mango’s roots, which causes its leaves to start yellowing and wilting. It also can collapse the tree if spread in its base.
It is caused by a soil-borne pathogen by the name of phytophthora which usually attacks the roots when there is too much water around.
You need to improve the drainage of mango plants and also avoid overwatering. For fungus, you need to use a fungicide to protect your roots from infection.
Here is a video of identifying Phytophthora Root Rot in mangoes:
How to Prevent Mango Tree Diseases:
We already discussed the treatment methods of each disease in the above article but let me tell you some of the common methods and processes that you can follow to prevent it from happening in the first place.
- Regular inspection: You need to check your mango plants for any type of infection. You can start by checking its leaves, stem, flower, and fruit.
- Watering: A lot of diseases are caused by either over-watering or underwatering. So you need to water accordingly to your mango plant.
- Pruning: As you may already know, pruning is very important for plants, and it increases airflow and prevents a lot of diseases.
- Fungicide: A lot of diseases that happen to mangoes are caused by fungus, so you need to apply the right type of fungicide to your mango tree.
- Pest control: Pests also can be the reason for causing diseases and for that, you need to control pests and avoid them from spreading.
You can maintain a healthy mango tree only when it is protected from diseases and you can protect it by early detection. For early detection, we provide pictures of some of the common diseases so you can understand them and prevent your plant from them.
I hope you understand the topic, but if you have any questions, then ask them in the comment section, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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