How to Grow Carrots in Containers | What You Need to Know

Updated: 16 Sep 2024


If you want to grow carrots but don’t have enough space, then you can grow them on the balcony or in the backyard with the help of containers. If you don’t know anything about growing carrots in a container, then don’t worry. I’m here to help you.

You can grow some healthy carrots in container, by providing a well-drained soil, regular watering, pest control, and adequate sunlight. Other than that, you also need to properly care of the carrots, to get tasty and juicy carrots.

Below, I listed and explained my process of how to grow carrots in a container, which has everything from selecting a carrot variety to harvesting. So, let’s get to it.

how to grow carrots in containers

Why Grow Carrots in Containers:

People grow carrots in containers due to certain reasons are the advantages that it gives you. Well we listed some of them below.

Space Efficiency:

One of the most common and basic advantages of growing carrots in containers is space efficiency. Sometimes, people have small gardens or don’t have enough space in the garden, and all of the space has been taken already, so what you do is get adequate containers and plant your carrots in them. It will thrive very nicely as long as it gets proper water and sunlight.


Mobility is another reason you should plant carrots in containers. I also grow carrots because of mobility, which means that I can move move the container around for proper sunlight. I can also move it to a to a proper place when the weather or climate changes all of sudden, which which means too much sunlight or frost.

Growing Carrots Container:

The process of growing carrot in container divided into couple of step. All of those step are listed and explain in below article.

Choosing the Containers for Carrots:

So, when choosing a container for carrots, make sure to choose the proper size and depth for your container.

Container Depth:

Depth is one of the most important things that you should consider when choosing a container for your carrots. Normally for carrots, you will need a container with a depth of 14 to 20 inches to grow carrots properly. There are also small size carrots like chanteny or nantes which is small so you can get a shallow container that can suit their size.

Choosing Container Material:

Different types of material containers are on the market, like wood and plastic. I personally used plastic one because it is easy to carry around as compare to others.


When choosing a container for carrots, you must choose one with drainage holes. Carrots need a proper drainage system to prevent roots from rotting. You should also add a layer of gravel at the bottom of your container for proper drainage.

Related: How to Grow Turnips in Containers

Selecting Carrot Variety:

For selecting a vegetable, or a variety to grow, every gardener has a check list things that must be have in the variety. I have a checklist for choosing a carrot variety, which I’m sharing with you.

Size of Variety:

For container growing people mostly consider growing shorter varieties like chantenay and nantes, which I do the same. But if you want to grow carrots like Imperator, Purple, Red, and Tendersweet, etc., consider getting a big and deep container. Here are some of the carrot verities according to All America selection.

Climate Specific:

The next thing you should watch is getting a carrot variety that matches your local climate. Means if the climate is cooler then consider getting cold tolerant varieties like, Danvers. If the temperature is warmer, then make sure to get a variety that is warm, like Scarlet Nantes.

Heirloom or Hybrid:

Well this is one of the most important decision that gardener has to make. A lot of beginner gardeners have come to me asking this question regarding carrots or any other vegetables.

My answer is that heirloom are flavorful but needs a lot of working, protection, and caring. On the other hand, hybrid varieties don’t need much protection and caring because they are disease-resistant.

Pro Tip: One of the advice that I always give to the beginners that you should go with hybrid because the are easy to grow, and once you have enough experience then you can grow any heirloom carrot variety as you want.

Preparing the Soil for Carrots:

So for planting you need to prepare best soil for carrots in containers. You should avoid planting carrots in garden soil. because they are too compact and can also hinder the growth of carrots. For that, you need loose, sandy soil with organic matter. What I do for carrot soil is take coarse sand with a blend of potting soil and mix it with good organic compost. I also mix some rotten manure to give necessary nutrients. Mix the soil properly, and it’s ready to put into your carrot pots, containers, or even garden.

Planting Carrots in Containers:

After the variety is selected and soil is prepare, now you need to know how to plant carrots in a container.

Seed Spacing:

While planting carrots in container or in the garden you need to plant them 1 to 2 inch apart from one another. Don’t worry. You can then thin them out once the seeds grow into seedlings for avoid overcrowding.

Planting Depth:

For depth, you can plant them about ½ inches deep. Make a hole or a row in the soil about ½ inches, put the seeds in it, and firmly put the soil on top. Then, water the seeds, but try not to disturb the seeds. You can also get a seeding tape that puts seeds on a piece of paper properly spaced. All you have to do is dig a straight line, put the tape in it, and then cover it with soil.

Caring of Carrots in the Container:

The process of caring carrots in container include proper watering, how much sun does it need etc. We listed and explained all of these things below.

Watering Carrots:

Carrots need about 1 inch of water per week which, but if your area is warmer then you can give carrots 2 inch of water per week.

Sunlight Requirement:

For sun you need to keep the carrot’s container for about 6 to 10 hours a day. You need to bring the carrots at shade when the sun is too much.

Thinning Carrots:

As discussed above, when the seedling of carrots grows about 2 to 3 inches, you can start things and make space to grow each carrots. After couple of weeks when the carrots grow even more and start growing its root, then you can start thinning again to give them more space to grow.

Fertilizer for Carrots:

For carrots, you should use organic fertilizer if you have and can manage. But you can also use other inorganic fertilizers. Using fertilizer is very important especially when you carrots have nutrients deficiencies. You should use any good and balanced fertilizer that has a high rate of phosphorous.

Pest Controls for Carrots:

Carrots also has pest attack and the common pest for carrots are aphids and rust flies. For containers you can get a cover or net to protect you carrots from pest attack, but if its already effected by pest then you should use any good pesticide.

Here is a video about the whole process of Growing carrots in container

Harvesting Carrots form Containers:

Harvesting in the container is the same as harvesting from the ground. After the carrots been through all of its growing stages, its time for its harvesting. The carrots normally take about 70 to 90 days to fully grown and ready to harvest. Once they are about the size, you can start harvesting them by loosening the soil around them. You can do it with the help of a garden fork.


Growing carrots in container is tough process but if you follow the proper techniques then you can grow them very easily. The process is a little bit different from growing it on land, but the above will explain everything that you need to know and follow.

I hope you have understand the process of growing carrots in containers but if you have any question then ask it in the comment section and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



Hi, meet John Maverick, a passionate gardener with over fifteen years of experience. I just love transforming spaces into lush, thriving gardens filled with vibrant flowers, fresh vegetables, and healthy fruit trees. This blog is full of my personal practical tips and stories to help gardeners of every levels in all over the world. Join me as I share my journey and the joys of nurturing the earth and enjoying its rewards.

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