Growing Turnips From Seed in Containers | A Step-by-Step Guide
Updated: 17 Aug 2024
Growing turnips from seeds in container is an efficient and space-saving process. Anyone who doesn’t have space or wants to grow their turnips in a controlled environment should try to grow them in containers.
A lot of people don’t know that you can grow turnips in containers, whether they are indoors or outdoors, you can grow some healthy turnips from seeds in your containers if you keep quality soil, have a proper water schedule, use proper fertilizer, and give it enough sunlight.
In the below guide, I will explain my methods of grow turnips from seed in container. So, without wasting any time, let’s get to it.

How to Grow Turnips in Containers:
Turnip is one of the easy-to-grow vegetables, even for those who don’t have enough space to grow it. If you are a seasonal gardener or a beginner who is trying to grow turnips on their balcony, you are in the right spot. We have a detailed guide that explains the growing process of turnips in container in brief detailed.
But before get to the process let me explain the basic purpose of growing turnips in containers. There are two purposes of growing turnips in container. One who wants to grow turnips into a container but removes and transfer it after a couple of weeks into a proper garden when the plant grows about 4 to 5 inches. One is those who don’t have space and want to grow turnips in a container from germination to final yield.
My blog explains the second purpose. So, if you have a first purpose, then I’m sorry to say this is not for you, but you can follow it when the plant grows in the container. So without wasting anytime lets get to it.
Selecting the Right Container:
The first step in planting turnips is selecting a proper container. A proper container should be about 13 to 15 inches deep to accommodate the turnip roots. The diameter of the container actually depends upon the amount of turnip you want to plant in it. Well if you wanna know mine then I use couple of them which’s size varies form 12 inches to 20 inches.
During the selection you also need to choose between the type of container. They come in different materials like clay, plastic, and ceramic. I use clay because I like its look, and it also good for drainage. You also need to make sure that your container has small holes in the bottom that help prevent extra water from waterlogging and provide adequate drainage.
Choosing the Right Variety Turnips:
One of the mistakes that every garden makes is to take any variety to plant into a container. I also had to learn that the hard way that not every variety is suitable to grow in containers. You need a variety that grows faster and becomes mature quicker. We have varieties like Purple Top Milan, Tokyo Cross, Tokyo Cross, are some of the varieties that suit this description nicely. You can also choose a variety according to the environment of your area.
Preparing the Soil:
In my opinion, this is one of the steps that you need to focus the most because if the soil is not nutrient-rich or well-drained, the chance of growing healthy turnips is slim to none. So, you need to prepare one of the best soils. What I do for my soil is I take soil, put some sand, pear moss, and compost, each about same size, and mix it properly. This soil is perfect because the sand provides drainage, the peat most improves retaining moisture, and the compost provides all the essential nutrients.
Now lets talk about the pH of soil. Normally, it turnips like slightly acidic soil that has a pH of 6 to 7. So you should test your soil. If it is more than the required level, then add some sulfur to lower it, but if it is lower than the expected level, then add some lime to increase it to the required level.
Planting Seeds of Turnips:
Now we come to the main part, which is planting turnips seeds in the containers. Well, it is a pretty straightforward process, but it doesn’t mean that you need to be lousy with it. It needs your proper attention. The process starts by taking that soil and put into the container. Now another question people ask very often which is How deep to plant turnip seeds for better growth. Well, you can plan it 1/2 to 1 inch deep into the soil. Now you start planting the seeds by making 1 inch deep hole into the soil, you can make that hole with you index finger. Now put the seeds in those wholes and then covering it with a layer of soil. Repeat the process, but leave space between 4 to 6 inches between each seeds.
Watering Schedule:
Giving right amount of water on right times is consider very important for plants and especially for indoor growing turnips. If the watering schedule is disturbed, then it will affect your plants. For turnips in containers you should water it 1 inch of water per week. In simple words you should water turnips once a week. You can also adjust it according to your room temperature.
Fertilizing Turnips in Containers:
For fertilize you well a balance type of fertilize because the turnips doesn’t need fertilizer that much. You can use any liquid fertilizer, mix half of it in water, and give it to the turnips. You also need to avoid too much or high nitrogen fertilizer because, in turnip plants, it stops leaf growth, which is now what we want. You should use 6-24-24 fertilizer which has 6% nitrogen, 24% phosphorous, and 24% potassium.
Sunlight and Temperature for Turnip Growth:
Turnip is a cold weather vegetable which is why it like sunlight. The turnip requires plenty of sunlight, but it also doesn’t mean you have to keep it under the sun all day. Turnips don’t like extreme sun either, and you have to move them under shade during the hottest part of the day. If you can’t move the container from its place, you can also use cloth to provide shade for the plants.
For temperature, the turnips like 60 to 80 F, which is considered the ideal temperature for them to thrive.
Common Pests and Diseases for Turnips:
If you keep your containers inside, you have one of the advantages of container gardening: you can reduce pests and disease attacks on your plants, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. In turnip, common pests are, flea beetles, root maggots, and Aphid. To protect your indoor container, you must isolate the whole gardening room and close all little holes from which the pests can get to the plants.
But if your containers are outside, just like mine, then you have to use companion plants to avoid some of that pest. You can use organic methods like mixing insecticide soap with neem oil and spraying on the plant only if you see any signs like holes in the leaves or wilting. You can also reduce these pest by introducing helpful bugs like ladybugs which eat aphid.
For diseases like powdery mildew, downy mildew, and Turnip Phyllody. What I do when my turnips been attack by these diseases. I use spray of Ridomil (0.1%), or Dithane M 45 (0.2%) or you can also use Difolatan (0.3%). In the meantime, you need to make sure that your plants have proper air circulation. You also make sure to give the right amount of water to your turnip plants because over-watering can cause fungal infections.
Harvesting Turnips from Containers:
After 60 to 80 days of hardworking, finally the day of comes to harvest you container grow turnips. Usually, turnips are ready to harvest after 60 to 90 days, depending upon your variety type.
Once its ready then its time to harvest, in the process of harvesting turnips, you need to remove the soil from its sides, and once it becomes loose, hold it from the base of the leaves and gently pull it up. Once harvested, you can use it right away. You can also store it in a cool place to keep it from rotten for a couple of weeks.
Here is a full Process of growing turnips in container form seeds.
Common Problems of Growing Turnips in Containers:
I face some problems while growing turnips in container indoor and outdoor. Now, I list some of the most common problems I face and explain how to prevent those from ever happening so you can get healthy turnip yields.
- You well get poor germination if you use old seed or plant the seed too deep, so make sure to get it from trusted supplier and do not plant them too deep.
- Leggy growth which is the reason of improper lighting. If you have kept your container indoors, make sure to get the right amount of light by using LED or florescent lights. If you keep your container outside, make sure it is not under a shade and place it somewhere to get proper light.
- Deformed turnips is also something you well face in the process of growing Purple Top turnips in container. It is caused by overcrowding or not getting enough nutrients, so you need to plant them with proper spacing.
If you face any other issues or problems, then don’t worry. Ask about them in the comment section, or you can also send me a message at
Growing turnips in container is a simple, easy simple yet a rewarding process. with carful planting you can get some tasty and healthy turnips. You need to follow the above process of maximum yield, but if you still have any questions, then ask them in the comment section.
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