What Are the Black Spots in Broccoli? Diagnosis and Treatment

Updated: 16 Jul 2024


Broccoli is a staple in many kitchens due to its nutritional value. But like other vegetables, it also has diseases in which having black spots is pretty common.

Before starting to fix the black spots on broccoli, you need to know what causes it. Nutrient deficiencies, fungal infection, and pest attacks are the main causes. Now you should Identify its specific cause and then treat it according to that cause.

Let me tell you how I deal with black spots when happen to my broccolis. In the below article, we will also explore its main causes and what to do never to happen again. So, let’s get to it without wasting any time.

black spots in broccoli

What are Black Spots on Broccoli:

The little black spots on broccoli are actually discoloration that can happen and appear on its stem, leaves and especially on broccoli (head) itself. The sizes of these black spots are not the same; they come in different sizes. The black spot also has other symptoms mold in which you see it’s wilting or its leaves turn yellow.  It is caused by different things and factors that’s why you should know its root causes, along with how to treat it and also how to prevent it in the first place. We discussed its every detail below, so lets get to it.

Fungal Infections

Of course, the main and most common reason for black spots on broccoli is fungal. There are some types of fungi that are the common cause of black spots, which include downy mildew and Alternaria. I’ve seen such infections in my garden which mainly fullish due to poor air circulation.

Bacterial Infection

A bacterial infection could also lead to black spots on broccoli’s head, stem and other parts. Bacteria particularly Xanthomonas campestris, are the main reason for black spots, which can easily spread from splashing water on infected plants. I would recommend to what I do myself is to clean your garden regularly.

Also Read: How to Care for Cauliflower.

Pest Damage

If you are a gardener, then you know what pests like caterpillars and aphids can do to your crops and vegetables. They feed on the plant’s tissues, which makes the plant more vulnerable to another infection. To prevent that from happening you need to spray them plants with anti pest spray as soon as you notice any pest activitiy.

Environmental Stress

Just like human plants have been through stress, which shows its effect in different ways, and black spots are one of them. Now you may ask what causes them stress well according to my experience and expertise, it is caused by nutrient deficiencies, improper watering, and inconsistent weather conditions.

You should take care of your plants by looking for their watering routine, required nutrients, etc.

How to Prevent Black Spots in Broccoli

Above, we discussed the main causes of black spots on broccoli head and how to cure them; now, we discuss how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Most of these prevention tips come from my own experience, which means they are legit and work.

Planting Techniques

Planting is one of the most important things to focus on while planting because messing up this step can turn the whole process upside down. For proper planting, you need to make sure the soil is properly prepared, well drained, with enough nutrients. During planting, make sure your plants get proper air circulation and enough humidity to prevent your broccoli from black spots.

Managing Soil

From the soil management, I only mean the fertility and pH level of the soil. For ideal fertility, you need to have feed fertilizer to the soil before and during the planting process. The pH of your soil should be between 6 to 7, not only to grow some of the best broccoli but also to protect it from black spots.

Watering Schedule:

As you know watering on proper time to any plant is very important, and just like that, you should water your broccoli every day in the morning. But while watering, avoid watering on its head, which means top of broccoli because getting wet can increase fungal growth, which is one of the main reasons for black spots.


Is it safe to eat broccoli with black spots?

The black spots on broccoli are likely to spoil, so you should eat them. But if the rest of the broccoli seems fresh, then you can cut off the spoiled part means a black spot, and you can eat the rest of it.

What are the black spots on my broccoli plants

The black spots on broccoli are normally the cause of diseases, and Alternaria is a common reason. Other reasons could include overwatering, nutrient deficiency, etc.

How do you know if broccoli has gone bad

First, you can tell by its look; normally, a healthy broccoli looks bright green; if it looks yellow with brown or black spots, it’s gone bad. You can also tell by its smell; if it starts bad odor, it’s best to throw it out.

Can you eat vegetables with black spots?

Yes, you can eat vegetables with black spots if the rest of the vegetables, like broccoli or cauliflower, are fresh. All you have to do is cut off and remove the black spot, then wash it, and it’s ready to eat or cook.


Finding a black spot on your fresh broccoli is very frustrating, and I’m told from my experience. But it’s good that it is treatable. After understanding what causes, then you can follow the above step. You can not only fix and cure the existing black spot but also prevent it from even happening in the first place.

I hope you understand the above guide, but if you have any questions, then make sure to ask them in the comment section.



Hi, meet John Maverick, a passionate gardener with over fifteen years of experience. I just love transforming spaces into lush, thriving gardens filled with vibrant flowers, fresh vegetables, and healthy fruit trees. This blog is full of my personal practical tips and stories to help gardeners of every levels in all over the world. Join me as I share my journey and the joys of nurturing the earth and enjoying its rewards.

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