Purple Top Turnips Days to Maturity | What to Expect
Updated: 29 Nov 2024
If you are planning to grow purple top turnips in your garden and wondering how long it takes to grow and reach harvesting, then you are at the right place.
The growing cycle of purple top turnips is very short, and it takes about 50 to 70 days to mature normally. Some factors delay the process of purple top turnip maturity. Below, we listed some of those factors.

What Are Purple Top Turnips?
Purple top turnips, also known as Brassica rapa, are one of the known turnips that grow all over the United States. They are a mix of two colors: on the top, they are purple, which is also why they are called purple top, while at the bottom, they are white.
Just like other turnip verities, the purple top turnips belong to the mustard family and are really close to other root vegetables like radishes. This particular variety can be eaten both cooked and raw because it has a very sweet taste. They mature very fast, which is why they are every gardeners favorites.
Purple Top Turnips Days to Maturity:
The days it takes for a purple top turnip to mature range from 50 to 70 days, which makes it one of the fast growing vegetable plants. By maturity, I mean the time when turnip becomes ready to harvest, and you should no longer wait to harvest it. Otherwise, it would be overgrown or woody.
Factor Affecting Turnip Maturity:

The days, or you can call it the timeline for purple top turnips, are not fixed to the 50 to 60 days. It can vary depending on different factors. Some of those factors are given below.
Optimal Temperature:
The purple top turnips don’t like higher temperatures, which means they should be kept between 50 to 70F (10 to 21C). The fluctuation or changing of now and then can really disturb its growth timeline.
Temperature of Soil:
Just like normal temperature, the purple top turnips are like cold soil from which to grow. If the soil for purple top turnips gets warmer, then it can bolt prematurely and mature the turnips sooner than expected, although the turnips won’t be as good as they should be.
Sunlight Requirements:
Every plant likes sunlight, but some do more than others. The purple top turnips like to eat sun more than others, but if it didn’t get the required amount of sunlight, then the growth rate becomes slower, and they take time to get fully mature.
As you already know, every vegetable needs balanced fertilizer to grow and thrive, and turnips do, too. But instead of balanced fertilizer, if you add too much fertilizer, then it will grow lush tops and prematurely sooner than expected. Just like that, if it doesn’t get balanced fertilizer, then it may be late in the process of getting mature. So you need to watch your fertilization process and make sure it gets balanced fertilizer according to their needs.
Watering also plays an important role in making purple top turnips mature. It has the same thing as fertilizer, which means too much or too little and affects its growth cycle. So watch for it watering practice.
The turnips mature very fast, about 50 to 60 days, which is considered quicker than usual vegetables. However, there are a couple of different factors that affect its maturity. If you can manage it, then you can also control its maturity cycle.
For more gardening advice and tips, please visit our main website, gardeningcrafting.com.
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