How to Grow Pumpkins from Seeds in Pots | Beginner’s Guide

Updated: 20 Aug 2024


Growing pumpkins in a pot might seem challenging to you, and you might think it is not possible, but with the right approach, it can be done, and you will harvest some of the best pumpkins.

The answer is yes, you can grow pumpkins in pots and containers, but to be successful, you need to do it according to a process. The process is simple but needs proper attention to its watering, fertilizer, and other needs.

I myself grown pumpkins in pots for a very long time. So, I will share with you some of my practical tips and advice for growing pumpkins in small spaces and getting maximum harvest. So let’s get to it.

how to grow pumpkins from seeds in pots

Why Grow Pumpkins in Pots?

Now you decide to grow pumpkins in containers or pots, but you are still confused because some fellow gardener tells you why are you even doing that. So, don’t get upset, it is a good decision, and I also grow pumpkins in pots whenever I don’t have space in my garden. Let me tell you some of its advantages to boost your morale.

First of all, it allows you to move the plant from one place to another before the fruiting season for optimal sunlight and protect it from harsh weather conditions. It also allows the gardener to grow pumpkin wherever you want; just take the pot and place it where you want, even on your balcony.

Growing Pumpkin Plant in Pot:

A lot of people grow fruits and vegetables in pots and containers. Just like that, you can grow pumpkins in pots due to limited space, growing it in control environment, etc. Below, I explain a process of growing pumpkin in a pot that I have been personally using for a couple of years. So, without wasting any time, let’s get to it.

Selection Pot for Pumpkins:

Now, the first step of growing pumpkins in pots start with selecting a proper pot, you have to keep a couple of things in mind and select a pot according to that.

  • The pot should have holes for proper drainage to keep water from logging because that can cause problems for the plant.
  • The pot should be strong enough to support the plant because some pumpkin varieties have very strong vines that can bend and fall over the pot.
  • The size of pumpkin pot should be 25 to 40 inches or 2 to 3 feet.

Now, whenever you choose a pot or container, just make sure it has these things; other than that, you can choose any type of material, style, and color.

Choosing A Pumpkin Variety:

For container gardening, you should know that not all pumpkin varieties are suitable for pots. You can choose from varieties like baby bear, small sugar, and baby pam. They have a compact vine and also small fruit which make it ideal for container farming.

Preparing the Soil in the Pot:

For planting anything, including pumpkins, you need to prepare proper soil that helps to thrive pumpkin plants in pots. For pumpkins, you need to use a mixture of compost, potting soil, perlite, or just normal sand. You will also need to mix some slow-release fertilizer that will provide nutrients slowly.

Planting the Seeds:

Now, for planting the seeds, let me tell you my personal methods, which I have been using for the past couple of years. Time is a key factor in planting pumpkins. If you think of planting it in small pots and then transferring that plant into other big pots or containers, then you need to plant it four to five weeks before the expected frost. Pumpkins need a temperature of about 20 to 30 C (72 – 86 F), and for that, you need to keep the pots indoors under the recommended temperature.

But if you are planning to plant the pumpkins directly into the pots, then you have to plant them after frost. For planting, you need to dig a 1-inch deep hole and plant your seed in it. If the pot is big, then you can plant more than that pot, but make sure to keep it 5 to 6 inches apart. You also need to keep the pot indoors for optimal temperature.

Caring of Pumpkin Plants:

After planting, the next step is caring for the pumpkin plant. Let me share some of the usual caring tips along with what I have learned for planting pumpkins for years.


Your pumpkin plants need water because the pot has drainage holes that don’t keep the extra water, so you need to water the pumpkin plant about once a day because pumpkin plants need 1 inch of water every week.


Use a good fertilizer every two weeks, but make sure to use a balanced fertilizer. I personally use 10-10-10 fertilizer because it is one of the balance fertilizer and it work just fine for me.

Supporting the Vines:

The pumpkin vines spread very fast, and to protect their stems and leaves from rotting, you need to keep them from growing. For that, you need to make a cage or trellis or any type of support to lift the vines and protect them.


Pruning is considered an important step in pumpkins because it spreads very wide and takes up a lot of space. What I do is take a pruning scissor and trip any branch and leaves that are not contributing to the plant. It also prevents plant energy and is used in fruit development.

Pest and Disease Management:

Pumpkins attract different pests like squash bugs, aphids, and powdery mildew. To protect pumpkin plants from this pest, you should use any pesticide, I personally use Carbaryl, which is amazing and work every time. It can be use for wide range of insects and plants.

While for disease most of the pumpkin diseases cause by fungus and for that you should fungicide spray. I personally use chlorothalonil after every two weeks every 10 to 14 days. So choose any a good fungicide spray and use it according to their instruction.


Pollination is a key factor in fruit production. If you have to keep your plants indoors, then you have to hand pollinate them. For that, you have to take a small brush and take pollen from the male flower to the female flower. The hand pollination of pumpkin plant is a unique technique that you should learn.

But if you keep your pumpkin pot, then the pollination would be done by pollinators. You can increase the process by attracting pollinators with different pumpkin companion plants. There are also plants that you need to avoid plant near pumpkins.

Here is a vide demonstration of Hand pollination of pumpkin flower.

Harvesting your Pumpkins:

Now, after 90 to 120 days, the final day has come to harvest your pumpkins. But before harvesting, you need to make sure the pumpkins are ready. You can also tell by their color that they are ready. You also need to check if the rind is hard and the step is getting dry and turning brown, then they are ready.

Now take pruning shears to cut the pumpkin from its vines, but leave some with its head for easy holding. Some people just start pulling the pumpkin from its vines which can damage the pumpkin, so you need to avoid that.


Growing pumpkin is a really rewarding process especially when you grow it in small pots. It is easy, but you need to pay attention to little details like watering, pest and disease management, etc.

I hope you got what you are looking for, but if you still have questions, then feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



Hi, meet John Maverick, a passionate gardener with over fifteen years of experience. I just love transforming spaces into lush, thriving gardens filled with vibrant flowers, fresh vegetables, and healthy fruit trees. This blog is full of my personal practical tips and stories to help gardeners of every levels in all over the world. Join me as I share my journey and the joys of nurturing the earth and enjoying its rewards.

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